
Actor / Slash

In the film Zoolander, Ben Stiller's comic take on the world of fashion, the action comes to an award ceremony where one of the categories is "The Slashie Award", which is presented to the best Actor/Model of the past year. I smile at that moment ...

Memories are what we keep

On the set of Star Trek Voyager with Robert Picardo and Tim Russ. Sometimes the moments we dream of arrive and we live through them so quickly that we're already remembering before we finish living them. I finally did get to do a Star Trek. I'm ...


When we are preparing an audition we have the unfortunate task of being actor and director at the same time. This means we must be in the moment and outside the moment simultaneously. An experienced player can do this to some extent but sometimes an ...

An Award

An Award - The 2018 Low to No Film Festival awards were held last week and the honor for Best actor in a feature was bestowed upon me for my portrayal of Henry Cardenas, an LAPD Homicide detective with a secret in the low budget feature ...

Press Night!

Press Night--- Public performance #16 was Press Night. The official opening night of the show. There are a lot of little customs and traditions associated with this very important night. One of those traditions is to give cards and gifts to cast and crew members that ...

Final Previews

Final Previews-- And then there were 4 days off.  After our June 9th public performance we gave the stage to the organizers of the annual Public Theatre Gala which was slated for June 10. It’s a big event every year but this year was extra special ...

Preview #11: The Beauty—

Preview #11: The Beauty--- The beauty. Boxers block and punch and bleed for the beauty. Welders brave molten metal and white hot sparks for the beauty. Musicians play till their flesh is raw for the beauty. And actors accept assignments that end up costing them money ...

Preview # 10: Adjustments

Preview # 10: Adjustments --- After every preview performance the director will give notes to the players and the department heads intended to hone and polish the show. In general notes are a "no news is good news" situation. I've received very few notes since we ...

Preview #9: Rituals

Preview #9: Rituals--- The secret to consistency when performing on stage is to settle into a pattern of behavior that encompasses the hours spent in the theatre putting on the show.  Simply stated, an actor must create a performance ritual and stick to it. Some folks ...

Preview #8 – In the Groove

Preview #8 - In the Groove --- Last night during preview #8 I suddenly realized that we are in the groove. Different folks describe it differently, some actors will say that they have "taken full ownership" of the material, or others will say that they are ...
Miguel Perez, Actor

Mgr: AWB - 323-464-2220
Agent: MTA - 323-857-4500

Miguel Perez on IMDB
Miguel Perez Resume

  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 5 feet 11 in
  • Weight: 215 lbs
  • Age Range: 55 - 69
  • Physique: Muscular
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Length: Receding
  • Eyes: Green
  • Ethnicity: Latin/Hispanic
  • Voice Type: Baritone